杰出学前母语教师奖 (杰出奖)

I believe that nurturing young children's interest in their mother tongue is essential. It is crucial to foster a vibrant and enjoyable learning environment where children can learn joyfully, and communicate confidently and actively in Chinese.
Ms Chen Xiaomei is full of enthusiasm, and exudes a lively and cheeful demeanor. She actively listens to the children and responds to their needs, providing them with love and care. She interacts with the children through wonderful stories and engages them with language games associated with the stories. With her support and encouragement, her children show great self-confidence as they express their thoughts loudly and positively in Chinese.
Ms Chen believes that every child enjoys playing, is curious and has a tendency to imitate. She skilfully uses simple musical instruments and incorporates music and rhythmic elements into her activities for the children to immerse themselves in a happy atmosphere of Chinese language learning.
Ms Chen is also a reflective teacher. She constantly reflects on how to better develop children's social-emotional skills, as well as learning dispositions such as perseverance, appreciation and engagement. She is confident about the career prospects of preschool Chinese language teachers and is proud to be a part of this profession.